Links on 7/21/2013

Math fraud in pensions | mathbabe.

I wrote a post three months ago talking about how we don’t need better models but we need to stop lying with our models. My first example was municipal debt and how various towns and cities are in deep debt partly because their accounting for future pension obligations allows them to be overly optimistic about their investments and underfund their pension pots….

“Dizzy and sick”: McDonald’s workers strike after enduring 110 degree heat –

10 people who learned social media can get you fired with images, tweet · CNN · Storify.

BBC News – Fracking 'could put gas and chemicals' in drinking water.

Fourth Circuit Guts National Security Investigative Journalism Everywhere It Matters | emptywheel.

The Fourth Circuit — which covers CIA, JSOC, and NSA’s territory — just ruled that journalists who are witnesses to alleged crimes (or participants, the opinion ominously notes) must testify in the trial….

Demography: Broke in the ’burbs | The Economist.

Guantanamo's attorney-client mail controversy – Human Rights – Al Jazeera English.

Collision Between Water and Energy Is Underway, and Worsening – IEEE Spectrum.

Power generation in the United States relies heavily on water. For some plants, like the ones that run on coal or nuclear power, the water is needed for cooling, while hydro directly uses water for energy production. More than 40 percent of fresh water used in the United States is withdrawn to cool power plants. Renewable energy generally uses far less water, but there are glaring exceptions, such as geothermal and concentrating solar.

The report, part of UCS’s Energy and Water in a Warming World Initiative, noted that even though the oldest and most water-hungry, coal-fired power plants are being retired, the shift to cleaner energy isn’t happening fast enough to overcome increasing water shortages….